【讲座】Culture & Coping: A Programmatic Research to Study Collective Coping & Its Effects


讲座主题:Culture & Coping: A Programmatic Research to Study Collective Coping & Its Effects




主讲人:郭崇信博士,现任加拿大安大略省温莎大学 (University of Windsor) 临床心理学教授。郭教授专精于多元文化咨商与治疗,具有丰富的多元文化咨商与治疗督导、教学等事务训练经验,以及跨文化心理学的教学经验和相关研究经验。  


There has been a long standing history and interest in psychology and health-related disciplines in studying individuals’ coping behaviours in the face of stress.  However, the relationship between coping and cultural influences has not been systematically articulated or investigated until very recently. In this colloquium lecture, I will present the conceptualizations, the theories, and the empirical evidences for researching the interface between culture and coping through a series of programmatic studies. In particular, the phenomenon/construct of ‘collective coping’ will be highlighted through instrument development, psychometric analysis and model testing studies of the Cross-Cultural Coping Scale (Kuo, Roysircar, & Newby-Clark, 2006). This presentation intends to illustrate how ‘culture’ and its consequences might be investigated empirically in clinical and psychological research. The lecture illustrate the conceptual and empirical development of Dr. Kuo’s research on cross-cultural coping from Canada-based studies involving local samples to now an international project involving multi-national, cross-cultural samples.