【讲座】Understanding Human Behavior Using Everyday Technology


用户体验(UX,User experience),是认知心理学领域当下最热门的应用,是人机交互技术的前沿应用,是一种主观的、用户在使用产品过程中建立起来的感受,指用户在使用一个产品或系统之前、使用期间和使用之后的全部感受,包括情感、信仰、喜好、认知印象、生理和心理反应、行为和成就等方面。UX涵盖和结合认知心理学、设计学、计算机科学、图形学、人类学、社会学等领域的知识。根据特定的项目目标,UX还可能涉及到服务体系、视觉传达、游戏设计等方面。

2016年8月,美国卡内基梅隆大学人机交互研究所所长,普适计算实验室主任Dr.Anind Dey抵达与北师大心理学院参访洽谈,期待双方有更美好的合作前景。Anind Dey是普适计算、人机交互与机器学习方面的专家,值此莅临北师大心理学院之际,特邀Anind Dey老师为大家奉献一场精彩的讲座。

讲座时间:2016/08/11(周四) 14:00 - 15:30
讲座内容:Commodity smart phones and initial Internet-of-Things devices have made the visions of ubiquitous computing common place. The Ubicomp Lab at Carnegie Mellon University has been using people's interactions with such devices to understand human behavior. In a number of domains, including driving, education, sustainability and healthcare, we have used this information to extract valuable information about people's routines and anomalies, as both can be used to create effective interventions and supporting systems. In addition to our work on routine extraction, I will briefly describe CMU's efforts on GIOTTO, our open infrastructure for the Internet of Things, and our focus on security and privacy, machine learning and the end-user experience。(功能强大的智能手机和初始的物联网设备已经使普适运算无处不在。卡内基梅隆大学的普适运算实验室通过研究人们与这些设备的交互情况来了解人类行为。在驾驶、教育、可持续发展和医疗等领域,我们从这些信息中提炼出与人们正常或异常现象相关的有价值部分,以期来提高交互效率,支持系统运行。)



讲座嘉宾: Anind K. Dey is the Charles M. Geschke Chair and Director of the Human-Computer Interaction Institute at Carnegie Mellon University. He leads the Ubicomp Lab, which performs research at the intersection of ubiquitous computing, human-computer interaction and machine learning, in the areas of mobile computing, health and sustainability among others. He has authored over 100 papers on these topics, serves on the editorial board of several journals, and is a member of the prestigious CHI Academy. Anind received his PhD in computer science from Georgia Tech, along with a Masters of Science in both Computer Science and Aerospace Engineering. He received his Bachelors of Applied Science in Computer Engineering from Simon Fraser University.

(Anind Dey,美国卡内基梅隆大学人机交互研究所所长,普适计算实验室主任。从事普适计算、人机交互与机器学习的交叉研究,主要包括移动计算、数字医疗、可持续发展等。近年来在Ubicomp, CHI等国际会议和期刊上发表学术论文100余篇,担任多个期刊的编委。在美国佐治亚理工大学获得计算机博士学位,曾供职于Intel伯克利研究中心以及加州大学伯克利分校。)