LIU Hongyun


Telephone: +86-10-13126613181


Research Interests: Psychological Statistics, Psychometrics, Educational Measurement Theory and Applications, Quantitative Research Methods

Personal resume


Beijing Normal University





University of Notre Dame

South Bend, IN

Visiting Scholar


The Chinese University of Hong Kong




Visiting Scholar


Beijing Normal University



Shanxi University

Taiyuan, SX

MS, Applied Statistics


BS, Probability Statistics


Scientific research


National Natural Science Foundation of China

Principal Investigator

-Developing and expanding continuous-time dynamic models for longitudinal research (32071091)


-The analysis and application of time-varying effects for intensive longitudinal data in psychological research (31571152)


-The analysis and application of latent class mixture modeling and piecewise growth mixture modeling (31100759)


National Education Examination Authority

Principal Investigator

-Measuring and controlling the scoring errors of subjective questions in the online marking of the college entrance examination (GJK2017015)


National Medical Examination Center

Principal Investigator

-DIF in the physician qualification examination


-Equating passing score of the medical comprehensive written examination for physician qualification


Ministry of Education

Principal Investigator

-Key competencies of Chinese and history curriculum standards in secondary vocational schools


-The current status of subjective scoring errors in online marking of college entrance examinations


-Data analysis for subject tests and questionnaires in high school curriculum standard revision


-The development and application of adaptive forced-choice personality test to counteract faking in talent selection in Beijing (019-105812)


-Application of measurement theory and statistical models in educational quality assessment (GFA111001)


-Quality assurance and evaluation system in the popularization stage of higher education (sub-project1)-establishment of the evaluation indicator system


-Results evaluation and factors of college English test band 4 and band 6


-Equating college entrance examination


-Developing data analysis system for the education quality assessment center


-Social response survey and quality analysis of proprietary province's college entrance examination questions


-Maximizing the evaluation function of examinations:mining and feedback of examination information


-Evaluation, analysis, and guidance system for educational quality: sampling design and data analysis


Ministry of Industry and Information

Principal Investigator

-Intelligent speech technology and product development and industrialization: sub-project


Beijing Normal University

Principal Investigator

-Development and application of "psychological statistics" interactive visualization teaching platform


-Multidimensional test ability estimation and equating


-The model for the comprehensive psychological ability of primary and secondary school students in Beijing


-Developingundergraduate psychological statistics online MOOC course


-Developinggraduate advanced psychological statistics hybrid course


-Developingpsychology research methods course


Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China

Principal Investigator

-Technical report, data analysis, and database platform development, the establishment of norms in various fields: Sub-project under the National Science and Technology Basic Work Program, "The psychological development of Chinese children and adolescents"


General Administration of Sport of China

Principal Investigator

-Education quality and curriculum implementation of "basic education courses for athletes"


Jiangsu Provincial Examination Institute

Principal Investigator

-Data analysis, report writingand interpretation of Jiangsu province's college entrance examinations


Yunnan Provincial Department of Education

Principal Investigator

-District-level quality evaluation for compulsory education in Guandu District


Beijing Youbangjiatong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.

Principal Investigator

-Developingthe occupational interest test module of the occupational manager assessment system


Dalian Biyouxue Education Network Co., Ltd.

Principal Investigator

-Developingthe test of the value-added evaluation system


Advanced Testing Authority (Beijing)

Principal Investigator

-Developing the computer adaptive test


Xiqing District Education Bureau, Tianjin & Zhongshan District, Guangdong Province

Principal Investigator

County-level compulsory education quality assessment


SELECTED PUBLICATIONS(* Corresponding author)

Xiao,Y., Wang, P.,Liu, H.*(2023). Assessing Intra- and Inter-individual Reliabilities in Intensive Longitudinal Studies: A Two-Level Random Dynamic Model-Based Approach.Psychological Methods. (Accepted)

Liu, H.,Yuan, K-H., Li, H. (2023). A Systematic Framework for Defining R-squared Measures in Mediation Analysis.Psychological Methods. DOI: 10.1037/met0000571.

Xu, X., Chen, C., Wang, L., Zhao, M., Xin, Z.,Liu, H.*(2023). Longitudinal relationship between number line estimation and other mathematical abilities in Chinese preschool children.Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. DOI: 10.1016/j.jecp.2022.105619.

Xiao,Y.,Liu,H.*(2023). A state response measurement model for problem‑solving process data.Behavior Research Methods.

Zhao, D., Wang, D., He, Z., Yuan, S., Zhu, D.,Liu, H.*(2022). Victim profiles and the protective role of school anti‑bullying norms: a study of Chinese adolescents.Current Psychology.

Wu,R., Shi, P., Wu,X., Yang,H.,Liu,H*., Liu, J*.(2022). A multilevel person-centered examination of students' learning anxiety and its relationship with student background and school factors.Learning and Individual Differences. DOI: 10.1016/j.lindif.2022.102253.

Li, R.,Liu,H*., Chen, Z., Wang, Y. (2022). Dynamic and cyclic relationships between employees' intrinsic and extrinsic motivation: Evidence from dynamic multilevel modeling analysis.Journal of Vocational Behavior.DOI: 10.1016/j.jvb.2022.103813.

Li, H., &Liu, H.*(2022). A monte carlo confidence interval method for testing measurement invariance.Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal.DOI: 10.1080/10705511.2022.2034114.

He, M., Xu, L.-X., Li, C.-s. R., Liu, Z., Hu, J., Guo, X.,Liu, H*., & Zhang, J.-T*. (2022). Do real-time strategy video gamers have better attentional control?Human Factors. DOI: 10.1177/00187208211064683.

Xie Z., Wu R.,Liu H.*, & Liu J*. (2022). How does teacher-perceived principal leadership affect teacher self-efficacy between different teaching experiences through collaboration in China? A multilevel structural equation model analysis based on threshold. Frontiers in Psychology. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.933838.

Wang R.,Liu H., & Jiang J. (2022). Does Socioeconomic Status Matter? Materialism and Self-Esteem: Longitudinal Evidence from China.Current Psychology. DOI: 10.1007/s12144-020-00695-3.

Zhao D., Zhuang H. , Yi T., &Liu H*.(2022). Differences in Cognitive and Non-Cognitive Results between Only-Child and Non-Only-Child Children: Analysis of Propensity Scores Based on Large-Scale Assessment.Children.DOI: 10.3390/children9060807.

Zhou J.,Liu H., Wen H., Wang X., Wang Y., & Yang T. (2022). The Association Between Physical Activity and Mathematical Achievement Among Chinese Fourth Graders: A Moderated Moderated-Mediation Model.Frontiers in Psychology. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.862666.

Wang W., Liu Y., &Liu H. (2022). Testing Differential Item Functioning Without Predefined Anchor Items Using Robust Regression.Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics. DOI: 10.3102/10769986221109208.

Wang D.,Liu H*, Hau K-T. (2021). Automated and interactive game-based assessment of critical thinking.Education and Information Technologies.DOI: 10.1007/s10639-021-10777-9.

Liu Y., Wang C., Liu J., &Liu H*(2021): The role of cognitive activation in predicting mathematics self-efficacy and anxiety among internal migrant and local children.Educational Psychology. DOI: 10.1080/01443410.2021.1987388.

Liu,H., Yuan, K-H., Wen, Z. (2021). Two-level moderated mediation models with single-level data and new measures of effect sizes.Behavior Research Method. DOI: 10.3758/s13428-021-01578-6.

Han, Y.,Liu, H*., & Ji, F. (2021): A Sequential Response Model for Analyzing Process Data on Technology-Based Problem-Solving Tasks.Multivariate Behavioral Research. DOI: 10.1080/00273171.2021.1932403.

Xiao, Y., He, Q., Veldkamp, B., &Liu, H*.(2021). Exploring latent states of problem-solving competence using hidden Markov model on process data.Journal of Computer Assisted Learning. DOI:10.1111/jcal.12559.

Liu,Y.,Liu,H*.(2021). Detecting Noneffortful Responses Based on a Residual Method Using an Iterative Purification Process.Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics. DOI: 10.3102/1076998621994366.

Liu H, Liu Q, Du X, Liu J*, Hoi W, Schumacker, R.E.(2021) Teacher-student relationship as a protective factor for socioeconomic status, students’ self-efficacy and achievement: a multilevel moderated mediation analysis.Current Psychology.DOI: 10.1007/s12144-021-01598-7.

Yuan K-H,Liu H*, Han Y. (2021). Differential Item Functioning Analysis without A Priori Information on Anchor Items: QQ Plots and Graphical Test.Psychometrika. DOI: 10.1007/s11336-021-09746-5.

Li M, Cai M, Zhong H,Liu H*. (2021). Comparisons of academic achievements of one-only children vs. children with siblings in China.Current Psychology. DOI:10.1007/s12144-020-01263-5.

Liu H,Yuan K-H*. (2021). New Measures of Effect Size in Moderation Analysis.Psychological Methods.DOI: 10.1037/met0000371.

Jiang,Liu, H., & Jiang, J. (2021). The Development of Materialism in Emerging Adulthood: Stability, Change, and Antecedents.Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin. DOI: 10.1177/0146167220925234.

Liu Y, Cheng Y,Liu H*. (2020). Identifying Effortful Individuals with Mixture Modeling Response Accuracy and Response Time Simultaneously to Improve Item Parameter Estimation.Educational and Psychological Measurement. DOI: 10.1177/0013164419895068.

Li H, Liu J, Zhang D,Liu H*. (2020). Examining the relationships between cognitive activation, self‐efficacy, socioeconomic status, and achievement in mathematics: A multi‐level analysis.British Journal of Educational Psychology.DOI:10.1111/bjep.12351.

Zhang M.,Liu, H., & Zhang, Y. (2020). Adolescent Social Networks and Physical, Verbal, and Indirect Aggression in China: The Moderating Role of Gender.Frontiers in Psychology. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.00658.

Liu H,Yuan K-H*, Liu F (2019). A Two-level Moderated Latent Variable Model with Single Level Data.Multivariate Behavioral Research. DOI:10.1080/00273171.2019.1689350.

Xiao Y,Liu H*, Hau K.T (2019). A Comparison of CFA, ESEM, and BSEM in Test Structure Analysis.Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal.DOI: 10.1080/10705511.2018.1562928.

You X, Li M, Xiao Y andLiu H*(2019). The Feedback of the Chinese Learning Diagnosis System for Personalized Learning in Classrooms.Front. Psychol.DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.01751.

Yuan J, Xiao Y andLiu H* (2019). Assessment of Collaborative Problem Solving Based on Process Stream Data: A New Paradigm for Extracting Indicators and Modeling Dyad Data.Front. Psychol. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00369.

Ding Y, Liu R-D,Liu H, Wang J, Zhen R and Jiang R-H (2019). Effects of Working Memory, Strategy Use, and Single-Step Mental Addition on Multi-Step Mental Addition in Chinese Elementary Students.Frontiers in Psychology. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00148.

Liu Y, Li Z, Luo F*,Liu H*. (2019). Modeling Test-taking Non-effort in MIRT Models.Frontiers in Psychology. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00145.

Liu, Y &Liu, H*. (2019). Effects of Distance and Shape on the Estimation of the Piecewise Growth Mixture Model.Journal of Classification. DOI:10.1007/s00357-018-9291-9.

Ren, Y., Luo, F., Ren, P., Bai, D., Li, X., &Liu, H*.(2019). Exploring Multiple Goals Balancing in Complex Problem Solving Based on Log Data. Frontiers in psychology.DOI:10.3389/fpsyg.2019.01975

Zhang R., Li X.,Liu H., & Luo F. (2019). Academic Predictors of Early Adolescents’ Perceived Popularity: The Moderating Effects of Classroom Academic Norm Salience.Frontiers in Education. DOI:10.3389/feduc.2019.00052

Li M., Zhang,Y.,Liu H*. and Hao Y. (2018), Gender differences in mathematics achievement in Beijing: A meta-analysis.Br J Educ Psychol.DOI:10.1111/bjep.12203.

Cheng Y, Wu X,Liu H, & Li H. (2018). Lower-Elementary Level School Pupils’ Developmental Trajectories of Chinese Verbal Vocabulary Knowledge and Influential Factors.Contemporary Social Sciences. DOI:10.19873/j.cnki.2096-0212.2018.06.010.

Liu H., Liu Y., Li M. (2018). Analysis of Process Data of PISA 2012 Computer-Based Problem Solving: Application of the Modified Multilevel Mixture IRT Model.Frontiers In Psychology. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.01372.

Liu Y.Liu H*(2018). Effect of Distance and Shape on the Estimation of the Piecewise Growth Mixture Model.Journal of Classification. DOI:10.1007/s00357-018-9291-9.

Liu Y,Liu H,Zheng X. (2018). Piecewise growth mixture model with more than one unknown knot: An application in reading development. Nonlinear Dynamics, Psychology, and Life Sciences

Liu Y. Li Z.Liu H*. (2018). Reporting Valid and Reliable Overall Scores and Domain Scores Using Bi-Factor Model.Applied Psychological Measurement.DOI: 10.1177/0146621618813093

Zhang D, Cui Y, Zhou Y, Cai M andLiu H*(2018) The Role of School Adaptation and Self-Concept in Influencing Chinese High School Students’ Growth in Math Achievement.Front. Psychol. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.02356

Chen N., Li M. &Liu H*(2018): Comparison of maximum likelihood approach, Diggle–Kenward selection model, pattern mixture model with MAR and MNAR dropout data.Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation.DOI:10.1080/03610918.2018.1506028

Gong J, Xiao W, Gao H, Wei W, Zhang W, Lv J, Xiao L, Duan L, Zhang Y,Liu H* and Huang Y. (2018). How to Best Convey Information About Intensive/Comfort Care to the Family Members of Premature Infants to Enable Unbiased Perinatal Decisions.Front. Pediatr. DOI: 10.3389/fped.2018.00348.

You X., Li M., Zhang D.,Liu H.*(2018). Application of a Learning Diagnosis System in Chinese Classrooms.Applied Psychological Measurement. DOI: 10.1177/0146621617734509.

Gong J., Zhang Y., Gao H., Wei W., Lu J.,Liu H,*Huang Y(2017). Choices regarding Thrombolysis are Modified by the Way to Transfer the Messages.Frontiers in Neurology.DOI: 10.3389/fneur.2017.00589

Li M., Zhang Y.,Liu H.*Hao Y. (2017). Gender differences in mathematics achievement in Beijing: A meta-analysis.British Journal of Educational Psychology. DOI:10.1111/bjep.12203.

Xiao Y.,Liu H.*, Li H.(2017). Integration of the Forced-Choice Questionnaire and the Likert Scale: A Simulation Study.Frontiers in psychology.

Li M., Chen N., Cui Y.,Liu H.*(2017). Comparison of Different LGM-Based Methods with MAR and MNAR Dropout Data.Frontiers in psychology.

Wang R.,Liu H., Jiang J., Song Y. (2017). Will materialism lead to happiness? A longitudinal analysis of the mediating role of psychological needs satisfaction.Personality and Individual Differences.

Liu Y., Luo F., Zhang,D. &Liu H.*(2017): Comparison and robustness of the REML, ML, MIVQUE estimators for multi-level random mediation model,Journal of Applied Statistics, Abingdon, 44.9, 1644-1661. DOI: 10.1080/02664763.2016.1221904.

Cheng, Y., Zhang J., Li H., Wu X.,LiuH.,(2017).Growth of Compounding Awareness Predicts Reading Comprehension in Young Chinese Students: A Longitudinal Study From Grade 1 to Grade 2.Reading Research Quarterly, Newark52.1(Jan-Mar 2017), 91.

Liu Y.,Liu H*., Hau K.T (2016). Reading Ability Development from Kindergarten to Junior Secondary: Latent Transition Analyses with Growth Mixture Modeling.Frontiers in Psychology, 7,1659. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.01659.

Jiang J., Song Y., Ke Y., Wang R., &Liu H.(2016). Is disciplinary culture a moderator between materialism and subjective well-being? A three-wave longitudinal study.Journal of Happiness Studies, 17, 1391–1408.

Sun J., Liu Y, Chen E., Rao N.,Liu H.(2016). Factors related to parents’ engagement in cognitive and socio-emotional caregiving in developing countries: Results from Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 3.Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 36, 21-31.

Kevin K. H. Chung*,H. Liu, C. McBride, Anita M.-Y. Wong & Jason C. M. Lo (2016). How socioeconomic status, executive functioning and verbal interactions contribute to early academic achievement in Chinese children.Educational Psychology.

Cheng Y., Zhang J., Li H., Wu X.,Liu H., Dong Q., Li L., Nguyen T. P., Zheng M., Zhao Y. & Sun P. (2016).Growth of Compounding Awareness Predicts Reading Comprehension in Young Chinese Students: A Longitudinal Study From Grade 1 to Grade 2.Reading Research Quarterly.

Pan J., Kong Y., Song S., McBride C.,Liu H., & Shu H. (2016). Socioeconomic status, parent report of children’s early language skills, and late literacy skills: a long term follow-up study among Chinese children.Reading and Writing An Interdisciplinary Journal.

Gong J., Zhang Y., Feng J., Zhang W.,Yin W.,Liu H*.,Miao D.(2016). How best to obtain consent to thrombolysis individualized decision-making.Neurology.

Pan J., Song S., Su M., McBride C.,Liu H.,Zhang Y,, Li H., & Shu H. (2015). On the relationship between phonological awareness, morphological awareness and Chinese literacy skills: evidence from an 8‐year longitudinal study.Developmental science.

Liu, Y.,Liu, H*., Li, H., & Zhao, Q. (2015). The effects of individually varying times of observations on growth parameter estimations in piecewise growth model.Journal of Applied Statistics, 42(9), 1843-1860.

Liu H., Zhang Y., Luo F. (2015) Mediation Analysis for Ordinal Outcome Variables. In: Millsap R., Bolt D., van der Ark L., Wang WC. (eds)Quantitative Psychology Research. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, 89. Springer, Cham

Luo F.,Liu H. (2015) Multilevel Random Mediation Analysis: A Comparison of Analytical Alternatives. In: Millsap R., Bolt D., van der Ark L., Wang WC. (eds)Quantitative Psychology Research. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, 89. Springer, Cham

Song, S., Su, M., Kang, C.,Liu, H., Zhang, Y., McBride‐Chang, C., Tardif,T., Li,H., Liang,W., Zhang,Z., & Shu, H. (2015). Tracing children's vocabulary development from preschool through the school‐age years: an 8‐year longitudinal study.Developmental science, 18(1), 119-131.

Wang,Y.,Liu, H.*, Su, Y(2014)., Development of preschoolers' emotion and false belief understanding: A Longitudinal study.Social Behavior and Personality,42,645-654.

Liang,X., Wang,Z.,Liu, H., Lin,Q.(2014). Adult attachment statue predicts the development trajectory of maternal sensitivity in new motherhood among Chinese mother.Midwifery,30.

Wen Z. Herbert W. Hau K.T. Wu Y.Liu H.(2014). Interaction effects in latent growth models:evaluation of alternative approaches,Structural equation modeling,361-374.

Liu,H*., You, X., Wang, W., Ding, S., Chang, H.(2013). The Development of Computerized Adaptive Testing with Cognitive Diagnosis for English Achievement Tests in China,Journal of Classification, 30(2).

Rao N,Sun J, Pearson E,Liu H.(2013). Is Something Better Than Nothing? An Evaluation of Early Childhood Programs in Cambodia,Child Development, 83(3), 864-76.

Zhang,Y., Tardif, T., Shu, H. *, Li, H.,Liu, H.,McBride-Chang, C., Liang, W., Zhang, Zh. (2013). Phonological skills and vocabulary knowledge mediate socioeconomic status effects in predicting reading outcomes for Chinese children,Developmental Psychology,49(4): 665-671.

Li, H., Shu, H., McBride-Chang, C.,Liu, H.,& Peng, H. (2012). Chinese Children’s Character Recognition: Visuo-orthographic, Phonological Processing, and Morphological Skills. Journal of Research in Reading. DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-9817.2010.01460.x.

Lei, L., Pan, J.,Liu, H., McBride-Chang, C., Li, H., Zhang, Y., Chen L., Tardif, T., Liang, W. Zhang, Z., & Shu, H. (2011). Developmental trajectories of reading development and impairment from ages 3 to 8 years in Chinese children.Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry,52(2),212-220.

Li, H., Shu, H., McBride-Chang, C.,Liu, H.,& Peng, H. (2011). Chinese children's character recognition: Visuo-orthographic, phonological processing and morphological skills.Journal of Research in Reading.

Liu, H.& Chang, L(2010). Multivariate Longitudinal Data Analysis, in The International Encyclopedia of Education, 3rd Edition, edited by Barry McGaw, Penelope Peterson and Eva Baker, Elsevier.

Chang, L.,Liu, H.,Wang, Y., Fung, K.Y., Wen, Z., Li, H., & Farver, J. (2007).The mediating and moderating effects of teacher preference on the relations between students’ social behaviors and peer acceptance.Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, 53(4), 603-630.

Shu, H., McBride-Chang, C., Wu, S.N.,Liu, H.(2006).Understanding Chinese developmental dyslexia: Morphological awareness as a core cognitive construct.Journal of Educational Psychology,98,122-133.

Chang, L.,Liu, H., Wen, Z. (2005). Commentary: Longitudinal Data Analysis: How to abstract Developmental Variations.International Society for the study of Behavioural Developmental, 29, 14-16.

McBride-Chang, C., Cho, J.R.,Liu, H.(2005). Changing Models across Cultures: Associations of Phonological and Morphological Awareness to Reading in Beijing, Hong Kong, Korea, and America.Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 92, 140-160.

Chen, X., Chang, L., He, Y.,Liu, H.(2005). The peer group as a context: Moderating effects on relations between maternal parenting and social and school adjustment in Chinese children.Child Development,76,417-434.

Chang, L., Lei, L, Guo, B,.Liu, H. (2005).Peer acceptance and self-perceptions of verbal and behavioral aggression and social withdrawal.International Society for the study of Behavioural Developmental,29,48-57.

Chang, L.,Liu, H., Wen, Z., Fung, K.Y., Wang, Y., & Xu, Y..(2004) Mediating teacher liking and moderating authoritative teachering on Chinese students’ perceptions of antisocial and prosocial behaviors.Journal of Educational Psychology, 96, 369-380.

Teaching experience

Beijing Normal University




-Psychological Statistics (undergraduate)

-Multivariate Statistics and SPSS Software Applications (graduate)

-Advances in Applied Statistical Methods (graduate)

-Analysis of Longitudinal Data (graduate)

-Advanced Statistics for Psychology (graduate)

-Big Data Analysis Techniques and Applications (graduate)

Associate Professor



Shanxi University

Taiyuan, SX



Social service

Education Statistics and Measurement Society, Chinese Society of Education

Executive Director and Vice Chairman

Educational Measurement and Evaluation Professional Committee, China Educational Technology Association


Chinese Society of Education

Board Member

The First Education Quality Monitoring and Evaluation Guidance Committee, Chinese Society of Education


Examination Center of the Chinese Ministry of Education, the National Medical Examination Center, and so on

External Assessment Expert



National First-class Online Undergraduate Course


Ministry of Education

Second Prize of the 7th Liaoning Philosophy and Social Science Achievement Award


Evaluation Committee of Philosophy and Social Science Achievement Awards of Liaoning Province

First Prize for Excellent Educational Science Achievements in Shandong Province


Evaluation Committee for Excellent Educational Science Achievements in Shandong Province

Excellent Undergraduate Course at Beijing Universities


Beijing Municipal Education Commission

Outstanding Professional Course Lecturer at Beijing Higher Education Institutions


Beijing Municipal Education Commission

Distinguished Teacher of the 17th Beijing Normal University


Beijing Normal university

Excellent Undergraduate Teaching Award


Beijing Normal university

Tonding Young Teacher Award (Graduate Teaching)


Beijing Normal university

International Psychometric Society Organization Award


IMPS community

Special Prize of the 13th Beijing Philosophy and Social Science Outstanding Achievement Award


Beijing Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China

First Prize for Research Achievements in Basic Education Curriculum Reform


Ministry of Education